The Cycle Show 2018

Earlier this month, we attended the Cycle Show at the NEC in Birmingham.

Bold & bright high-vis equipment is eye catching at the best of times, but our stand looked superb thanks to Purple Creative who designed and built our stand.

high visibility clothing

We were delighted to see so many customers (both old and new) getting excited about our products. Unsurprisingly, our fully reflective rucksack covers flew off the shelves when we sold products on Sunday. A lot of people also commented on having seen our spoke reflectors out on the roads & how impressed they were with them! The spoke reflectors are a best seller for us in the United States and in Germany, so hopefully you’ll be seeing more of then on the streets in the UK soon!

reflective vest reflective equipment

All in all, we had a fantiastic time and can’t wait to be back again next year!

reflective cycling equipment